• Chupacabra Hat

Sendero Provisions Company

Chupacabra Hat




The most surprising thing about the story we're about to tell you... isn't that it's true, but that the mysterious and mythical beast of legend -- the Chupacabra -- isn't all that rare. You see, you just have to know where to look. It's no secret that Chupacabras like goats, and according to the so called "experts" they like goat blood. That's why you might get lucky spying on the goat field looking for one, but, in our 13.5+ years of professional Chupacabra tracking, we've learned one key thing... They don't actually like blood. They hang around goats because they're just HUGE fans of cabrito tacos. And being full blooded Texans, we know a thing or two about cabrito tacos. Trust us, if you want to find a Chupacabra, wait for the next full moon, roast ya up some corn tortillas, slap on some fresh cilantro, radish, and queso fresco, add a healthy spread of salsa verde and finally some scrumptious, slow roasted cabrito... Boom. Guaranteed chupacabra party. Don't believe us? Fine. More tacos for us.


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